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Troup. 8 - 25.
Dear Folks,
We recd the letters & money thanks a lot.
was glad to hear from you all. Yes Dad said that was the right
amount. why didn't Raymond use it to help fix his teeth, say I sure want
to see him when they are taken out. ha-ha-
we had a letter from J.A. 8/23 that was wrote the 4th he had
reached his destination. said he had really enjoyed his trip across.
can't tell where he is at. Phala got home last Thurs. had a nice time
her & Donald are picking cotton for C.C. Jones. I am trying to make
her a dress. Paul Jr is
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O.K. his cold & cough is about over.
Octa come home stayed a week, taken off again. said she was going back
to Gladewater & go to work. but she was seen in Tyler that night.
Polly had gone when she got back & taken part of her clothes &
suit case two pair of slippers she had moved what was left over too Mrs
Kings. I told her she had to get your sheets. she didnt know what was at
the laundry untill it got back.
havent heard from any of the others guess they are sore at me. J.A. said
he would get to write again in 30 days. said for you all to write him.
Did Raymond go to see Fred? Guess a bunch will be crossing over soon.
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J.A. Hale, H.A 1/c
23 Replacement Bn.
c/o Fleet. P.O.SanFrancisco, Calif
Dad is fixing the wringer on the washing
machine, I'll have to wash this eve. we would like to come 1 day before
school starts. dont know, dont look for us. we wont get any vacation
this year. guess he'll get paid in place. we havnent got our rooms
papered yet, just dont know what to do, its so hot down here, we just
get by.
Ill have to close & get dinner. come when you can.
Love to all
Hello Jo. have you got that place worked
over yet?